Health & Fitness Books ~ Books I Like

Friday, April 17, 2009

Health & Fitness Books

Health & Fitness always take topmost priority esp. among the younger generation today. Nowadays, everyone wants to exercise, stay fit, beautiful and young forever. A few simple things to keep in mind when it comes to health and fitness

1. Watch one's eating habits. Make sure your everyday meal comprises of vegetables, fruits, carbs and fat reduced dairy
Get active indoors (dance, climb stairs) and outdoors (throw a frisbee, rollerblade)
3. Taste changes with age, so try "new" foods regularly. New foods bring more variety, which brings more essential nutrients to your diet.
4. For optimal health and fitness, you need a balance of occasional and everyday things. On regular occasions (3-4 times a week), you need to do more energetic activity, the sort that makes you huff and puff

Books on this topic hence are a hot favorite with all health freaks. Books on Diets, Healthy Living, Exercise, Beauty & Grooming, Nutrition, Weight Loss, First Aid and Pregnancy & Childbirth are some hot picks among many others.

* An Innocent a Broad
* Teach Yourself Getting Pregnant
* Human Birth

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