Books on Study aid ~ Books I Like

Monday, April 27, 2009

Books on Study aid

Gathering information about Universities, degrees and curriculum spread across the world may be a daunting task. Study Aids are essentially books providing valuable information on universities, colleges, examination papers, curriculum and much more. Especially for students aspiring for higher education and are preparing to take exams like SAT, GRE, GMAT, CAT, TOEFL they are an in valuable resource. These books not only have good coverage of the different subjects, but also have enough practice tests that prepare you for these test. Sometimes they are accompanied by visual aids in CDs.

Study Aid books also help in choosing the right college (college guides) based on your field of study and scores in the various exams. They carry detailed information on the courses and degrees offered by the different universities along with vital information relating to admissions and other requirements to qualify. A few of the noted books are

* Cracking the GRE
* Chemistry for IIT JEE

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