Your're Hired by Nasha Fitter ~ Books I Like

Monday, July 20, 2009

Your're Hired by Nasha Fitter

Your're Hired by Nasha Fitter all you need to take your first important steps up the corporate ladder. Whether you are applying for a new job or want to perform better in your present position, You’re Hired! How to Get That Job and Keep It Too will help you answer those questions you just didn’t know whom to ask.

Is this you? Have you every applied for a job and not been called for the Interview? Ever wondered why? Don’t be discouraged! Finally, an easy, step-by-step, written specially for Indian job contexts and situations, is here to help. Fun and easy-to-follow, Your're Hired uses actual CVs, emails and resume's to show you the communication and soft skills errors that prevent people from getting ahead, and how you can avoid them. For other books on Job search refer here...

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